National Trust Database - Search Results

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Former Gaol

Lydiard Street South,, BALLARAT CENTRAL VIC 3350 - Property No B1971

The former Gaol, Lydiard Street South, Ballarat, was constructed to designs by the Public Works Department of Victoria; the first cell blocks in 1857, gaolers and warders quarters , towers and walls all in 1860. The cell blocks have been demolished. The entrance front comprises the two storey quarters blocks about a central entrance, with side walls and entrances and a corner lookout tower. Consturction is in brick with basalt dressings. The former Gaol, is a building of ... more



Former Gaol Governor's Residence

1 Bligh Street,, PORTLAND VIC 3305 - Property No B6661

The Gaol Governor's residence (architect A T Snow) and associated remnant of the gaol wall and paving are of historical significance at a local level because they provide contextual support to the adjoining court house. Classified: 05/12/1994

